Just The Way I'm

Just The Way I'm

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Ghandi the racist We Indians are the most racist people in the world, so what the fuck is Harris Ibrahim and Hindraf is fucking about;

Ghandi the racist We Indians are the most racist people in the world, so what the fuck is Harris Ibrahim and Hindraf is fucking about

by suarakeadilanmalaysia
We Indians are the most racist people in the world, we dont realize it. In US there are laws against racism. In India there is not one single law that will protect a dark skinned girl from being ridiculed. It is just accepted as being OK to say you are dark.
So people before you comment saying she is dark and ugly- think of what you will be doing to the 100s of girls in india who are dark skinned. You will be shattering their egos, bruising their self confidence and they will be scarred for life.
Today I work as a developer at google . I consider myself beautiful and am very confident. It took me years to realize that self-confidence comes from within
As the BBC critic of Indian origin remarks, these are not unsurprising remarks. As most Indians know, we make these remarks all the time and either don’t realize these are offensive, or just don’t care. Why, we have names for such obscenities. We call our north-eastern country-men(and women), or just any person with mongoloid features “chinky”. We call any white-skinned person “firangi”. Any person of African origin is still called a “negro”, decades after this term has been replaced by “africans” or “african americans” in politer societies.
The fact is that we Indians have more ways to divide and discriminate humans than any society in the world, but few Indians would admit to this. We discriminate by race,skin color,caste, religion, regionality(“madrasis”) … if there are any other ways to divide people that I can’t remember now, we probably do that too.
However, nobody in India has the guts to address this problem. We let people openly advertise for “fair”, “brahmin” etc. brides and grooms in matrimonial listings in newspapers and online sites. There is still no government push for banning all temples from restricting who can enter by caste. There is no push to accommodate our north-eastern brothers and sisters into mainstream society. In fact, most of India would rather revel in “Gandhigiri” but blissfully ignore that Iron Sharmila , who has redefined Gandhian methods of struggle, even exists.

> Jan 18 - Preacher Says He Would Send Blacks Back 'To The Plantation' - Photo posted in BX Daily Bugle - news and headlines | Sign in and leave a comment below!
The Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, the super-conservative African American Republican who has campaigned vigorously against Kwanzaa ("The Racist Holiday From Hell" he has called it), the Rev. Jesse Jackson Jr. and President Barack Obama, said he has a simple solution to black America's employment woes: hard labor.
"One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," Peterson told The Huffington Post's Black Voices on Tuesday afternoon. "I'm going to put them all on the plantation. They need a good hard education on what it is to work."
Peterson made the remarks after he was asked to comment on Monday night's sparring between moderator Juan Williams and Newt Gingrich, during the Republican presidential debate after Williams asked Gingrich whether he thought his recent statements suggesting a lack of work ethic among poor black kids could be viewed as insulting.
"People don't want to hear the truth," said Peterson, the founder of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny, or BOND. "Newt was 100 percent correct," Peterson said. "Newt said that he would have black children, minority children work as janitors at school. Working as a janitor would build character, more so than the handouts so many of them like."
"I know some people take it personally because a whole lot of folks don't like hearing the truth; they like to be in denial," he added. "Not all black people, but most black people know, and white people know, and black people say it more in private than they would in public, but for the last 50 years or so, generations and generations of black people have relied on the government or someone else to take care of them."
"Many black women have had babies out of wedlock and passed that on to their daughters that if they have babies out of wedlock, they'll get food stamps, free houses and your rent paid," Peterson said.
Peterson, who was raised on a plantation in Alabama where he said generations of his family worked first as slaves and then sharecroppers, said he learned to have a strong work ethic by doing such backbreaking work as picking cotton.
Day in and day out, it was the same thing: get home from school, eat supper, change clothes and get into the cotton field, he said.
Nearly 30 years ago Peterson left the plantation and headed West to California. But today, he said, millions of blacks are on the mental "plantation" of the Democratic Party. To fight back, he said, he formed the Tea Party of South Central Los Angeles. Considering this is black and Latino neighborhood where residents have traditionally voted Democratic, it might be an uphill battle.
"I hope that once [black people] hear the truth, they will pull away from the Democratic Party and their godless leaders," Peterson said in a recent interview with HuffPost. "When you tell them the truth first, they become upset ... They think if you're black and conservative, you're an Uncle Tom. Once you let them yell and scream and carry on -- because they will carry on -- and when they calm down, they understand."
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson Agrees With Newt Gingrich, Says He Would Send Blacks Back 'To The Plantation FOX News must love this guy
MIC’s future in Barisan Nasional (BN) lie in getting Indians to return to the estates?
Talk has it that president G Palanivel’s ‘back-to-estate’ call may have been stoked by desperate Umno-sympathisers who are concerned that to ensure MIC’s political future in Umno-led BN, it has to boost its support in the rural areas after having lost its sway over urban Indians.
According to Malacca based PKR leader G Rajandran, MIC is facing a ‘huge problem’ gaining votes from Indians especially in urban areas.
“By sending back the Indian community to estates, it is easy for MIC (and Umno-BN) to ‘control’ them.
“We all know that Sime Darby is a BN (Barisan Nasional) crony company,” Rajandran said, adding that plantation and estates were now directly under Palanivel’s ministerial purview.
Rajandran was alluding to Deputy Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Palanivel’s contentious call earlier this month for Indians to return to estates which were facing shortage of workers.
Palanivel had reportedly said that the government had agreed to a minimum wage of about RM700 a month for the sector, compared to RM300 previously and that they would also be provided with free housing as well as free transportation for students.
In addition he said cost of living in estates were low and the environment secure.
Palanivel, had for reasons best known to himself, cited Sime Darby estates.

by: Suara Keadilan Malaysia (tq coz sending this to my email)

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